There are many, many reasons as to why people fall on hard times and need a helping hand. There’s a common misconception that Foodbanks limit the number of food parcels or support that is given. Well this isn’t the case, we get referrals not only from the public but from staff and support workers from schools, care homes, NHS, Homeless support, Housing associations, recovery charities, Borough councils, Mental Health practitioners, Police, the list is endless, and we provide limitless support to all of those engaging in service to relevant to their area of crisis.
“I wouldn’t know what I’d have done if it were not for them.”
Faith is a single mum who left her home to escape an abusive relationship. She had to leave work to care for her family and look after her baby daughter. But when Faith’s benefits switched from income support to the new Universal Credit she found herself in rent arrears and with a 6-week wait for her next payment leaving her with no funds to buy food.
“I was depressed, I was told my benefits were changing to UC and this brought me to the Foodbank. “I wouldn’t know what I’d have done if it were not for them. The kids don’t know that I would go to bed with pain in my stomach. I was hungry but then the Foodbank helped”.
“It’s a sad state of affairs we have rely on places like this to get help. I’m an educated lady with a degree, I’ve been a teacher, but I now know what it is like to be on benefits and it’s just not enough to live on”. A statement from the DWP says that the reasons, why people use Foodbanks, are ‘complex’ but say Universal Credit will replace the current out of date benefits.